Are you interested in helping CincyPHLUSH?  Please consider sending an email of support to the three Hamilton County Commissioners!  Below you will find some guidelines and a sample email should you find that sort of thing helpful.

General Guidelines

In your email, please include the following:

1. Your name and preferred contact method.

2. Your Hamilton County neighborhood of residence.

3. State clearly that you support CincyPHLUSH and would like to see more restroom accessibility around Hamilton County.

4. State that the Portland Loo is a good solution to the problem of scarce public facilities.

Sample Email


Subject:  I support CincyPHLUSH for the Portland Loo


Dear Hamilton County Commissioners:

I am writing today to express my support of CincyPHLUSH.  You can read about their proposal to install Portland Loos throughout the Metro system here:

As a resident of (insert neighborhood), I know how important it is for everyone to have access to a toilet.  There are so many profiles of people who need such access, including children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with conditions like IBS, IBD, and more.

More importantly, using the restroom is basic to our humanity.  Nature’s call is one we all must answer, sometimes urgently!  Let’s stop forcing people to engage criminal behavior (public urination, public indecency, etc.) just because they need to use a toilet.

I support increased toilet availability, such as with the installation of Portland Loos, throughout Hamilton County!


(Your name)

(Your preferred contact method)